Exam simulation ICDL Module 1 | Computer Essentials

Computer Essentials
This module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to the use of devices, file creation and management, networks, and data security.
Many of you have written to ask what books to buy to better prepare for the certification exams, will respond according to the choices made by our teachers in the classroom and Examiners ECDL, advising the following book.
Nuova ECDL Base-Full Standard Extension. Con e-book
The first manual for the New ECDL, the European certification of the computer. After the successful experience of the handbook "ECDL plus" (adopted by hundreds of Test Centers in Italy), the Author, Mario R. Storchi, has created a series of e-books easy to understand, which can also be read on a tablet or a smartphone. In this way, each time will be good to prepare for the ECDL/ICDL.
Download the Computer Essentials Module Syllabus (PDF)